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Akita Inu Breed Standard

Character: calm, faithful, docile and receptive.


Group 5 - Spitz and primitive type dogs.

Section 5 - Asian Spitz and Similar Breeds


Country of Origin: Japan

City Name Of Origin: Akita



      Originally, all Japanese dog breeds were small and medium-sized, there were no large breeds. Since 1603, coming from the AKITA region, dogs called “AKITAS MATAGIS” (medium sized dogs for bear hunting), were used as fighting dogs. From 1868 the breed was crossed with the Tosa and with Mastiffs.

As a result of these crossings, the size increased and the characteristic traits of Spitz-type dogs disappeared.

In 1908, dog fighting was prohibited. The breed, however, was preserved and improved as a major Japanese breed and in 1931, nine dogs, top-level specimens were designated "Historic Monuments".

During World War II (1939 — 1945) it was common to use dog skin to make military clothing. The police ordered the capture and confiscation of all dogs, except the German Shepherd, which was used for military purposes. Many passionate breeders have tried to evade the law by crossing their dogs with German Shepherds.

At the end of the second world war, the number of akitas was drastically reduced and the dogs had three different types.

    1. The Akitas Matagis

    2. The Fighting Akitas

    3. The Akitas / German Shepherds

The race situation was very confused. During the process of purebred restoration after the war, KongoGo, a DEWA bloodline dog that exhibited Mastiff and German Shepherd influence, had a fleeting but tremendous popularity.

The number of Akita breeders increases and gains a lot of popularity. However, enlightened breeders refused to accept this type of dog as the true Japanese breed and endeavored to eliminate the characteristics of foreign breeds by crossbreeding them with the Akita Matagi, in order to return to the original type.

These efforts were crowned with success and allowed the stabilization of the pure breed of large Akita well known today.

Characteristics General:

          Cão de grande porte, Stout build, well proportioned with plenty of substance, secondary sexual characters clearly defined.

          Grande nobreza e dignidade na its simplicity. 


      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cfr58d_cranium: proportional to the body.

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136badTthis wide front crease.



Nose: voluminous and black. Light and diffuse lack of pigmentation is only acceptable in white dogs, but the black nose is always preferred.


Muzzle: Moderately long, strong, broad at the base, gradually tapering, never pointed.

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 is nasal cannae.


Jaws / Teeth : Teeth strong, scissor bite. Lips : Closed. Cheeks : Moderately developed.


Eyes: Relatively small, triangular, the angle of the eye is turned slightly upwards, moderately wide apart, dark brown in color, the darker the color the better.


Ears: Relatively small, thick, triangular, slightly rounded at the tip, set moderately apart and inclined towards the front.




Thick and muscular, without dewlap, proportionate to the head.





Back: Straight and strong.


Loin: Broad and muscular.


Chest: Deep with well developed forechest, ribs moderately sprung.


Belly: Well tucked up.





Set high, it is thick and carried tightly curled over the back, the end touches the hock when stretched out.




Shoulder: Moderately sloping and developed.


Elbows: Close fitting to the body.


Forearm: Straight with strong bone.




Well developed, strong and moderately angulated.




Strong, round, compact, arched.




Elastic and powerful.




The top coat is hard and straight, the undercoat soft and dense, the withers and rump are covered with slightly longer hair, the hair on the tail longer than on the rest of the body.





 sesame (red hairs with black tips)



All the above-mentioned colors, except white, must have the “URAJIRO” (whitish coat on the sides of the muzzle, on the cheeks, under the chin, neck and belly, on the underside of the tail and the inside of the limbs).




Withers height:

males 67 cm

females 61 cm

with a tolerance of 3 cm more or less.




Any deviation from the terms of this standard must be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity.

effeminate males

Masculinized females.

Upper and lower prognathism.

Missing teeth.

Stained tongue.

Light colored iris.

Short tail.

Scaredy dogs.




Dropped ears (ears not erect).

Hanging tail.

Long fur (hairy).

Black mask.

Stains under white background.



Males must present both testicles, of normal appearance, well descended and accommodated in the scrotum. Any dog that presents any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.



Source: CBKC – Brazilian Confederation of Cinophilia (





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